Monday, December 27, 2004

Raves and Rants...

well here it goes...

we just finished our COSIN (mita fely's side) family reunion. it was one of those once in a lifetime experiences. well, now that i think about it, this was a "first-in-MY-lifetime" experience. in fact, it was a GREAT experience. being able to get to know all these cousins i never knew existed, and also have the opportunity to get in touch with some cousins i haven't seen in a while.
all in all i give it a 5/5 on the Overall "Life Experience" meter. praise God!!!


do you know when you're doing the right thing but it feels like you're doing exactly the opposite instead?

why do things have to happen the way they do? i'm not going to into specifics...but how come every time i try to do the right thing i feel like i'm doing something wrong.

the bible says:

"The heart is more deceitful than all else
And is desperately sick;
Who can understand it?"
-Jeremiah 17:9

this saying rings true...especially for young men and women. we believe that so many different things are "right" things because our heart tells s that they are right. moreover, we have the tendency to lean towards these things that feel so "right" but end up messing things up because our heart is deceitful.

i break my heart so many times each day. thinking about many different things. things i want. things i cannot have. things i want to do. things that are unattainable due to unavoidable circumstance. things that are unavoidable circumstances in themselves.

what is the purpose for all of this? what is God trying to teach me through all of this? i need to listen...this is a valuable lesson just waiting to be learned. God is always ready to talk to me...but am i truly ready to stop and just listen...?

i can be a pretty big idiot sometimes... we all have our moments. (yes, even with the smirk on your face...the one reading this just to get some dirt on me.)

but what has THIS idiot learned? no, really...what HAVE i learned. i've learned i need to trust more in His plan for my life. but while i continually trust Him, try to depend on Him moment by moment, i also need to do MY part... i need to live my life as a pleasing sacrifice for God. why? because i have been bought at a price. at the price of Jesus' blood. the blood He spilled to save me.

i am a new creation, Jesus lives in me. i am saved by grace through faith.

but why am i weak? should i not be strong? if i were strong i would not depend on Him anymore. that is why i have weaknesses. to continually remind me that, though my strengths and gifts are as numerous as they are wonderful, the One who gives me these gifts should be the center of my life, and not the gifts themselves.

i end this blog entry on a biblical note:
"Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe."
-1 Timothy 4:12

that's that. praise Him be all the glory!!!

join me next time for more...


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