Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Jon's Gameface

Jon's Gameface
Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
this is just plain hilarious... took this picture while he was taking a crap. he looks so relieved for obvious reasons.

he and i were just hanging out in our parents' room and i was kind off drifting off. i told him, "tell kuya if you have to poopoo ok?" he was like, "no, no." so i took that as a sure sign and i fell asleep.

i wake up a few minutes later and find that he's playing with daddy's shoe, and he goes, "Xi!!!" showing me dad's shoe with shit all over the bottom!!! dang!!!

i was thinking, "that DID NOT JUST HAPPEN!!!" so i was looking around...lo and behold there was this HUGE shit sausage on the floor... so i rushed him to the toilet where my dad had just finished.

this picture is the end result.

dang...kids these days...

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