Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Pretty In Pink

Pretty In Pink
Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
hehehe spiffy threads huh! kinda gay...but i'm confident in my masculinity. (the purse matches nicely doesn't it...heheheh)

man all this confidence in my masculinity has gotten the best of me...i've been forever traumatized dude...i think it's going to be a while before i write those dang friendster testimonials again. hahahaha... bad for self image... gotta make myself feel a man again!!!

(get drunk, get laid and party!!!)

i mean...i will go back to Christ and comfort in my identity as a new creation.

(where are all those sinful thoughts coming from?)

hmmm... anyway... it's been a pretty crazy week dude...exams and everything. Praise God! last exam (well...written exam) today! hahahahaha! then i can practically do whatever i want!!!

or not...excited to go home to Cdo! i wonder what kinda phone i'm going to buy when daniel comes back... hmmm...something masculine...

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