Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Home home home...

wow...yes i am finally home at last. after a great plane trip (i say great because i didn't feel like the was going to crash and send me to an untimely death), i am finally home sweet home. cagayan de oro.

i've spent the first few days just hanging out, with family. family and more family. will see my friends tomorrow. going to hang with faith and stephen (stephen has a date tomorrow by the way for all the IS peeps) it's strange being home. in my room...which is NOT my room anymore. it's more Jon and Miguel's room now. strange to be here and everything is nice. wahahahaha...

hmmm...this should be an interesting christmas... first time i've had enough money to buy decent gifts for everyone. hahaha... well at least i'll TRY to buy decent gifts for everyone.

favorite new song: #41 by Dave Matthews Band
favorite new website: [Kozo the Hippo]

so...what else is new. wahahaha... since a lot of people read this blog, i think it would be wise of me not to disclose classified information.

suffice it to say, i've been a very glad boy these past few days. mwahahahaha...

laters :p

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