Thursday, December 30, 2004

Davao Roadtrip


JON IS SO CUTE!!! i can't help but repeat that OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. you'd have to meet him to know what i mean. he keeps repeating what you say. and he can really pronounce it too. (at least the last two words anyway)

he's so funny also. we'll go eat at jollibee and all he'll have is rice and some french fries. hahaha... what a fool. (i mean...he's so cute!!!) well, there's going to be at least another year of him being this cute. then he's going to start being bratty. well, enjoy this phase of his childhood! i can't imagine what it'll be like when he's a teenager. that's pretty soon.

life can be simply amazing and wonderful. i just drove home today all the way from davao... that's like a 5 hour drive with no stops... dang... was pretty cool... its not hard to appreciate God's creation. the drive down buda (bukidnon-davao) road was simply breathtaking. mountains, the sun, all sorts of different trees and plants... the Lord's power and the beauty of His creation is simply unmatched.

a significant chunk of that buda drive left me with a smile. lots of people live along a considerably long stretch of this road. the kids that live there play a little game where they stick their hands out to the motorists passing by to ask for handouts. sometimes they get money, but other times, like earlier today they got candies and biscuits from some of the people driving in front of us. it was nice to see that people still care for others. especially during this time of the year.

it was such a great opportunity to be with two of my oldest friends, Faith and Tere, today. we were just spending time at Tere's house talking about stuff. life, love, career. hahaha... so funny. i can't believe that we've all reached the age of 20. we were having so much fun looking at old pictures. just laughing and having a good time. i can't believe how much we've changed (and how much he HAVEN'T changed) in the past 4 years. it's amazing. i'm so blessed to have been friends with them for this long.


dang... man... funny how my rave can also be a rant. these people who were tossing candies and biscuits to the kids were also making it dangerous for the people who were driving behind them. since they were tossing all these things, the kids would race to pick them up, pushing each other aside just to be the first. it's a wonder there were no accidents today. (well as far as i know anyway)

one thing i hate about being home... i always gain weight... hahaha... it's the food, and NO EXERCISE!!! hahaha...

what's worse is...while i load up on food for the body... i always neglect my food for my soul... my quiet time has really gone down. not just in quality...what's worse is it's next to ZERO in quantity...

if you're reading this... please include me in your prayers.


what's new? i dunno... nothing much i guess. praise God though...for everything.

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