Thursday, December 02, 2004

Calm Before the Storm

i woke up this morning and there were 2 messages on my phone. both saying classes are suspended for the day due to the oncoming storm.

everyone hears about the quiet before the storm. one of the things i never understood before today. everything seemed so quiet. people doing nothing. the air seemed to be restless. i go downstairs...and apparently all hell is breaking loose in other parts of luzon. people are dying...losing their homes...losing family...

meanwhile, i crawl back in bed to enjoy the comfort of bamse and the covers. aaahhh...what to do...

oh do crawl out of my bed and hit the tread? or do i just keep lying around? nah... hit the tread...hit it for roughly half an hour...then some free weights. by play... hahaha... went to market market. watched bridget jones 2 with diana and robert. was an ok movie i guess. i also experienced a truly record breaking weird experience. 8 consecutive blackouts in the mall due to the storm...or something like that. got a new jacket..."new" shades (from mom...left it...)

praise God for today!!!

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