Thursday, December 30, 2004

Davao Roadtrip


JON IS SO CUTE!!! i can't help but repeat that OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. you'd have to meet him to know what i mean. he keeps repeating what you say. and he can really pronounce it too. (at least the last two words anyway)

he's so funny also. we'll go eat at jollibee and all he'll have is rice and some french fries. hahaha... what a fool. (i mean...he's so cute!!!) well, there's going to be at least another year of him being this cute. then he's going to start being bratty. well, enjoy this phase of his childhood! i can't imagine what it'll be like when he's a teenager. that's pretty soon.

life can be simply amazing and wonderful. i just drove home today all the way from davao... that's like a 5 hour drive with no stops... dang... was pretty cool... its not hard to appreciate God's creation. the drive down buda (bukidnon-davao) road was simply breathtaking. mountains, the sun, all sorts of different trees and plants... the Lord's power and the beauty of His creation is simply unmatched.

a significant chunk of that buda drive left me with a smile. lots of people live along a considerably long stretch of this road. the kids that live there play a little game where they stick their hands out to the motorists passing by to ask for handouts. sometimes they get money, but other times, like earlier today they got candies and biscuits from some of the people driving in front of us. it was nice to see that people still care for others. especially during this time of the year.

it was such a great opportunity to be with two of my oldest friends, Faith and Tere, today. we were just spending time at Tere's house talking about stuff. life, love, career. hahaha... so funny. i can't believe that we've all reached the age of 20. we were having so much fun looking at old pictures. just laughing and having a good time. i can't believe how much we've changed (and how much he HAVEN'T changed) in the past 4 years. it's amazing. i'm so blessed to have been friends with them for this long.


dang... man... funny how my rave can also be a rant. these people who were tossing candies and biscuits to the kids were also making it dangerous for the people who were driving behind them. since they were tossing all these things, the kids would race to pick them up, pushing each other aside just to be the first. it's a wonder there were no accidents today. (well as far as i know anyway)

one thing i hate about being home... i always gain weight... hahaha... it's the food, and NO EXERCISE!!! hahaha...

what's worse is...while i load up on food for the body... i always neglect my food for my soul... my quiet time has really gone down. not just in quality...what's worse is it's next to ZERO in quantity...

if you're reading this... please include me in your prayers.


what's new? i dunno... nothing much i guess. praise God though...for everything.

Family Picture in Iligan

Family Picture in Iligan
Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
Merry Christmas in Iligan!!!

Family Picture in Cagayan

Family Picture in Cagayan
Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
Merry Christmas in Cagayan de Oro!!!

Family Dance

Family Dance
Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
self explanatory... picture # 2... hahaha... look at mita's wide eyed expression...

Galing Sumayaw!!!

Galing Sumayaw!!!
Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
picture # 1 from the Cosin family reunion... totoy bibbo!!! hahaha... check Paula out. mwahahahaha!!!


Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
my christmas gift to miguel...

from our davao trip, we're at a lookout point of sorts. just posing for the camera. para-ingnon pud na turista ba. hahaha... it's such a BEAUTIFUL view... sayang it can't all be caught on camera. you'd have to see it to fully appreciate it. oh well... ROAD TRIP!!! Posted by Hello

Jon's so cute!!! look at him!!! this is at sm davao, and he was running around the grocery with his little grocery cart. when i picked him up to can bet your nuts that his face looked different. hahaha... he was kicking up a storm. hmmm... i wonder where he learned THAT from. ***whistling*** Posted by Hello

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Jon's Gameface

Jon's Gameface
Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
this is just plain hilarious... took this picture while he was taking a crap. he looks so relieved for obvious reasons.

he and i were just hanging out in our parents' room and i was kind off drifting off. i told him, "tell kuya if you have to poopoo ok?" he was like, "no, no." so i took that as a sure sign and i fell asleep.

i wake up a few minutes later and find that he's playing with daddy's shoe, and he goes, "Xi!!!" showing me dad's shoe with shit all over the bottom!!! dang!!!

i was thinking, "that DID NOT JUST HAPPEN!!!" so i was looking around...lo and behold there was this HUGE shit sausage on the floor... so i rushed him to the toilet where my dad had just finished.

this picture is the end result. these days...

Monday, December 27, 2004

Raves and Rants...

well here it goes...

we just finished our COSIN (mita fely's side) family reunion. it was one of those once in a lifetime experiences. well, now that i think about it, this was a "first-in-MY-lifetime" experience. in fact, it was a GREAT experience. being able to get to know all these cousins i never knew existed, and also have the opportunity to get in touch with some cousins i haven't seen in a while.
all in all i give it a 5/5 on the Overall "Life Experience" meter. praise God!!!


do you know when you're doing the right thing but it feels like you're doing exactly the opposite instead?

why do things have to happen the way they do? i'm not going to into specifics...but how come every time i try to do the right thing i feel like i'm doing something wrong.

the bible says:

"The heart is more deceitful than all else
And is desperately sick;
Who can understand it?"
-Jeremiah 17:9

this saying rings true...especially for young men and women. we believe that so many different things are "right" things because our heart tells s that they are right. moreover, we have the tendency to lean towards these things that feel so "right" but end up messing things up because our heart is deceitful.

i break my heart so many times each day. thinking about many different things. things i want. things i cannot have. things i want to do. things that are unattainable due to unavoidable circumstance. things that are unavoidable circumstances in themselves.

what is the purpose for all of this? what is God trying to teach me through all of this? i need to listen...this is a valuable lesson just waiting to be learned. God is always ready to talk to me...but am i truly ready to stop and just listen...?

i can be a pretty big idiot sometimes... we all have our moments. (yes, even with the smirk on your face...the one reading this just to get some dirt on me.)

but what has THIS idiot learned? no, really...what HAVE i learned. i've learned i need to trust more in His plan for my life. but while i continually trust Him, try to depend on Him moment by moment, i also need to do MY part... i need to live my life as a pleasing sacrifice for God. why? because i have been bought at a price. at the price of Jesus' blood. the blood He spilled to save me.

i am a new creation, Jesus lives in me. i am saved by grace through faith.

but why am i weak? should i not be strong? if i were strong i would not depend on Him anymore. that is why i have weaknesses. to continually remind me that, though my strengths and gifts are as numerous as they are wonderful, the One who gives me these gifts should be the center of my life, and not the gifts themselves.

i end this blog entry on a biblical note:
"Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe."
-1 Timothy 4:12

that's that. praise Him be all the glory!!!

join me next time for more...


Sunday, December 26, 2004

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry merry merry merry merry merry merry Christmas!!!

Wow!!! so much fun to be at home for christmas! it's raining outside, but at least we're all together... this is the midafternoon slump where everyone just sleeps. it's going to start picking up later right about dinner time. we all start eating.

this is how a typical pelaez december/january holiday goes:
open gifts
sing karaoke

that's a very abbreviated version of how much goes on in this house during the holiday season.

thanks to all those who gave gifts! i especially love my gym bags and the cologne. hehehe... i also got a water bottle from paula. irie!!! now i'm all set for the new year!!!


New Favorite Song: James Ingram - Just Once (blame it on MagicSing)

Current Videogame: Silent Storm

Nights without sleeping: 3


Saturday, December 25, 2004

this is from the candy cane party at kerry's house... really old picture i guess... Posted by Hello

Thursday, December 23, 2004


Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
yeh wassup chico? mark took this pic...quite a while ago... couldn't resist having my picture taken with this hat on. wahahahaha!!!


Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
yeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh... cute picture noh? artsy fartsy angle pa... basta... our genes make us the attractive people we are.

is peeps

is peeps
Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
at my house tonight (december 22) right after photo!!!

cute cute people... :D

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Home home home...

wow...yes i am finally home at last. after a great plane trip (i say great because i didn't feel like the was going to crash and send me to an untimely death), i am finally home sweet home. cagayan de oro.

i've spent the first few days just hanging out, with family. family and more family. will see my friends tomorrow. going to hang with faith and stephen (stephen has a date tomorrow by the way for all the IS peeps) it's strange being home. in my room...which is NOT my room anymore. it's more Jon and Miguel's room now. strange to be here and everything is nice. wahahahaha...

hmmm...this should be an interesting christmas... first time i've had enough money to buy decent gifts for everyone. hahaha... well at least i'll TRY to buy decent gifts for everyone.

favorite new song: #41 by Dave Matthews Band
favorite new website: [Kozo the Hippo]

so...what else is new. wahahaha... since a lot of people read this blog, i think it would be wise of me not to disclose classified information.

suffice it to say, i've been a very glad boy these past few days. mwahahahaha...

laters :p

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Pretty In Pink

Pretty In Pink
Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
hehehe spiffy threads huh! kinda gay...but i'm confident in my masculinity. (the purse matches nicely doesn't it...heheheh)

man all this confidence in my masculinity has gotten the best of me...i've been forever traumatized dude...i think it's going to be a while before i write those dang friendster testimonials again. hahahaha... bad for self image... gotta make myself feel a man again!!!

(get drunk, get laid and party!!!)

i mean...i will go back to Christ and comfort in my identity as a new creation.

(where are all those sinful thoughts coming from?)

hmmm... anyway... it's been a pretty crazy week dude...exams and everything. Praise God! last exam (well...written exam) today! hahahahaha! then i can practically do whatever i want!!!

or not...excited to go home to Cdo! i wonder what kinda phone i'm going to buy when daniel comes back... hmmm...something masculine...

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Malboro Man

Malboro Man
Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
it almost looks real. looks like jon is following in the footsteps of someone he looks up to. hehehe... shh... secret.

Strike A Pose

Strike A Pose
Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
call me vain...whatever. check out the free shades...courtesy of mom. hehehe...

Monday, December 06, 2004

Retro Bike 2

Retro Bike 2
Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
dang...the picture quality isn't so good... but dude, you have to have seen it to believe it!!! was one of those 50's bikes or something...straight outta Back to the Future or soemthing, pretty trippy. again...from the community service thing. hehehe... irie mahn...


Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
see...check it out... isnt' it so cute? heheeh... "Definder" of the skies!!! man... to be young again...

US Force

US Force
Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
Dang...what am i supposed to say? this is a pretty cool drawing by one of the kids at the Daycare thing i did for community service a couple weeks ago. pretty cute...hehehe...chekc out the closeup i'm going to post next...

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Calm Before the Storm

i woke up this morning and there were 2 messages on my phone. both saying classes are suspended for the day due to the oncoming storm.

everyone hears about the quiet before the storm. one of the things i never understood before today. everything seemed so quiet. people doing nothing. the air seemed to be restless. i go downstairs...and apparently all hell is breaking loose in other parts of luzon. people are dying...losing their homes...losing family...

meanwhile, i crawl back in bed to enjoy the comfort of bamse and the covers. aaahhh...what to do...

oh do crawl out of my bed and hit the tread? or do i just keep lying around? nah... hit the tread...hit it for roughly half an hour...then some free weights. by play... hahaha... went to market market. watched bridget jones 2 with diana and robert. was an ok movie i guess. i also experienced a truly record breaking weird experience. 8 consecutive blackouts in the mall due to the storm...or something like that. got a new jacket..."new" shades (from mom...left it...)

praise God for today!!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Jon And Bamse

Jon And Bamse
Originally uploaded by Gummimax.
aaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!! so CUTE!!! i told him, "jon hug the bear!" and he hugged it... awww... but then he dropped it and started playing with some pencils. hehehe... dali kaayo ilaron... love you jon!

Maxi and Jon

Originally uploaded by Gummimax.
awww...i miss him so much na. he's such a gwapo boy!!! oh...jon is gwapo too. hehehe just kidding. anyway... i took this pic when he arrived. i tried to pick him up and he and started crying. hehehehe... he's easily distracted so i brought him up to the room and showed him pictures of me and him together. when he finally remembered he started smiling. hehehe... what a fool...

Monday, November 22, 2004


well...i had a pretty fun party at tita shirley's house last friday (nov 19 2004). most of my friends came and we partied. hehehe...sorta anyway. it was fun! karaoke, food, kwentuhan, food, karaoke! fun fun fun!!! hmmm... wow... haven't been able to post in a while cuz my 'new' computer is weird. hehehe good for typing lang...but no internet capabilities. PERIOD. hehehe... anyway, God is good!

so mita's party yesterday (nov 21 2004) was a blast too! we went out on tita shirley's yacht (well tito ompong and tita shirley's everything actually...the official party sponsors...they're such great people, i'm so blessed to have them as my aunt and uncle) anyway, mom jon and guel left for cdo already this morning, and the house feels so empty na. oh again. at least dad's still here.

anyway, hit the weights with lem and bj today. grabe...haven't done that in a while. mejo patas lang kme ni lem sa pagbubuhat. hehehe... GO LEM!!!

yeah...s'all... till next time...

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Max & Bamse

Max & Bamse
Originally uploaded by Gummimax.
Happy boi... hehehe... smiling with his new room mate. :D nyerp...


Originally uploaded by Gummimax.
my huge ass gummibear card. mmm... thanks to everyone who signed it. hehehe... men... so's probably the size of a cafeteria tray... hahahaha... still love it. :D


Originally uploaded by Gummimax.
Wahaw!!! so cute! and soft!!! :D nice nice bear to sleep with. hehehe...though it keeps falling of the bed...

Friday, November 12, 2004

Birthday Bears

Originally uploaded by Gummimax.
Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me!

Yey!!! Well..i'm 20 i'm spending it doing a blog. hahaha... oh well. God is good talaga.

i really thank Him for all my friends and other blessings. i have a great family, i go to a good school. crush is cute. hehehe

anyway...that's all! yey!!!

diana made these birthday bears for me. thank you!!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Justice League...long overdue

Originally uploaded by Gummimax.
the justice this is a long overdue picture. i think we took this...last christmas...'s xmas, check out the xmas tree in the back foo. hehehe... well...the family's all there. including jon. man...he's so big na compared to back then. wow! it'll be his 2nd xmas na soon! yeah! i'm getting excited na. :D

jon in shades

jon in shades
Originally uploaded by Gummimax.
wow!!! he's just so cute. :D i can't get over it. heheheh... mmm... i miss him so much na. at least i'll see him within the next week! yey!!!

2 days nalang...till...i reach the line of 2's...

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

New Kicks!!!

Originally uploaded by Gummimax.
yeah!!! thanks dan!!! love you! cool new kicks... only i have the ones with black tiger stripes. wicked... all the way from jersey... props also to tito ray for bringing them all the way here!!!


Originally uploaded by Gummimax. of the most embarrasing pictures i've had. no wait...i've had worse... still makes me laugh. look at the "gangsta" expression on my face. hahahahaha


Originally uploaded by Gummimax.
This is a still life done of me. Not very realistic. But all in all i think it's pretty cool. Don't you think? Hehehehe

Hmmm...first post...

no feectures yet...just checking this out...hehehe naiinggit ako ky tita cookie eh. hahahaha