Thursday, January 06, 2005

beauty is a double edged sword

right... so i'm back in manila. back at school. back in the concrete jungle. back where "i belong".

Gangsta Pose again...

yeah see what i mean? gangsta...

well...for the moment anyway. so what is there to rave and rant about you say? hmmm... just take a look at the heading of this entry.


beauty... wow... beauty is amazing. especially when we talk about the amazing beauty of women. i love women. women women women. grabe... haaaaay... i think i need to get this out of my system before i start thinking about nothing else.

don't you just love women? they are so breathtakingly beautiful. everything about them is mysterious. as a man you may THINK you understand them, but poor misguided (however good natured your intentions and assumptions may be...) brother... you think you know? well you don't.

so let's just get into what we DO understand...

1. women are beautiful
2. women are nice to talk to
3. women are beautiful
4. women are nice to look at
5. women are beautiful

now that we have established how beautiful women are let us get into the deeper side of things. however for one to get into the deeper side, one would actually have to HAVE a deeper side. unfortunately for me...i have none.

unfortunately many of us are like me. we fail to appreciate women for things other than their beauty. i can only do so at such a limited level. i understand their need to be appreciated, their need to be uh...their need for...need for...uh... BASTA whatever it is that they need aside from what i can give them, i have a limited capacity to do so.

my may be wondering... "WHAT IS THIS IDIOT TALKING ABOUT?" i'm getting to the point... patience my friend... patience. if God didn't want us to be patient he wouldn't have made the Post office...or the government for that matter...heck, he wouldn't have made women... (just kidding)

so right back to the matter at hand. beauty. beauty is unimaginably awe inspiring. God made the mountains that reach up into the sky. he made the oceans so deep and full of life. he made the forests and jungles which are so wide and vast, we have not even begun to explore its beauty and richness. more pertinent to our discussion... he made women...


oh you think i'm already done? oh no... no no no no no... i've just begun...

so what can i possibly rant about now that i've professed my undying love for the opposite sex?

well...for starters... the beauty of women can be very deceiving...

wow... i'm a first hand victim to their beauty. where do men draw the line between ogling a woman and simply admiring her beauty? today is only my third day back in the concrete jungle and i'm already enjoying being back for the wrong reasons.

well...actually now that i think about it i don't know if they are the wrong reasons. women are beautiful. everything that is beautiful is made by God. beauty is for us to know how great God is...but how come sometimes i enjoy watching the beauty God made instead of appreciating God for how beautiful His creation is?

for the guys:
(sadly some women too...)

how many times have you watched a girl waiting several minutes just to get a glimpse of her face?

how many times have you did a double (even triple) take on a women because her skirt was a little too high or blouse (tanktop whatever) a little too low?

how many times have you seen a girl and wondered to yourself what color panties she was wearing, or if she was wearing a thong?

how many times have you prayed that you would stop doing these things?

it says in the bible... i can' t remember exactly what verse and chapter in the book of Job, but he says something to the effect of:

i made a covenant with my eyes that i would not look at a woman impurely

Jesus also taught that looking and thinking are just as bad as doing (again i'm paraphrasing as i don't have my bible with me right now):

if a man looks at a woman impurely he has already committed adultery with his eyes

all men... my brothers!!! how long will this last!!! as long as we live. we are inflicted with this disease...

until we realize that we are sick...we will never look for a cure.

do you admit you are a sick depraved being?

do you admit you need a savior?

there is only one answer...only one savior...

Christ Jesus...

we have hope in Christ Jesus...

if you want me to explain it to you. you know how and where to reach me my brothers.

Pink Hat

oh!!! wtf?!? &%^!@#$!!! how did that get there???

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