Friday, April 29, 2005


Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
nyaaaaaaaarp....what the heck...

philippine piracy at its finest

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
hmmm...this was taken...hmmm...

i can't remember...hahahaha...


Bugs Bunny Mutant
Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
tonyboy... the smart(ass) little boy from iligan. notice the drool bubble on his lower teeth...that takes talent dude!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

wow...EVEN MORE HANDSOME Posted by Hello

Handsome? Posted by Hello

By SPECIAL REQUEST... Posted by Hello

Saturday, April 09, 2005


3 Boys
Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
woohoo!!! finally back in CDO!!!

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Elmo's Head on a Chocolate Cake

Happy Birthday Jon
Originally uploaded by _maxi_. sounds kinda morbid... but i'm glad to see Elmo's decapitated head on this chocolate platter.


i called him on his birthday to greet this little sucker...and barely a minute into our "conversation" (if you can call his impression of Miguel's instructions a conversation) which involved him saying, "i love you", and singing "happy birthday" to himself he says to me...get this...

"bye bye"

i guess he was getting bored of hearing me say, "Jon say i love you kuya Maxi!"


The Salutatorian's Big Day

Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
starting today Miguel is free from that torture chamber called highschool. welcome to COLLEGE Gigoy, where you have to work for everything you get...hehehe...

love you!!!

Best Friends...

Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
My good friends Glenn aka Doc/Pastor Glenn, and Doy aka Djar (Daniel Julius Armando Rosendo) : they exemplify the saying "opposites attract". Best friends who are so completely different it borders on insanity. I wouldn't be suprised if Glenn is getting close though...imagine hanging out with Doy everyday...hehehe... loko lang doy! 5x2! *secrethandshake*

Monday, April 04, 2005


Caylabne Sky
Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
Woah...this was taken thursday evening during Holy Week. while i'm not exactly sure whether or not this is in Caylabne... i'm pretty darn sure it looks great.

too bad the only girls around in skimpy bathing suits were my cousins...

but then again...that actually is a good thing...i dread to think the thoughts i might have had if there were tons of almost dressed girls around... in the words of Augustine...LORD MAKE ME CHASTE!!! (but not yet...hahahaha...ok i will shut up now.)

Someone's not feeling so hot...

Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
Hahahahahahaahaha!!! this is RJ during our Holy Week adventure (if you can call 4 straight days of eating, sleeping and watersports an adventure...oh wait...)

apparently someone doesn't like being awake so early in the morning. probably the only time he was quiet...hehehe...

thankfully (?) he went back to his normal jovial self after breakfast.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Isochronous Flagellation

Horrible story
Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
isochronous - equal in duration or interval

flagellation - beating with a whip or strap or rope as a form of punishment

misfeasance - doing a proper act in a wrongful or injurious manner

"Max is a misfeasor, therefore we must proceed with his isochronic flagellation"

My goodness...

Monday, March 07, 2005

Pinoy Autobot

Pinoy Autobot
Originally uploaded by _maxi_.

self explanatory. :D we saw this in podium the day we arrived from zambales

pretty cool :D

Monday, February 28, 2005


Originally uploaded by _maxi_.

zambales at sunset...hehehe... looks like i have an aura. hmmm... Lem where are you? last one to the river is first gay!!! hehehe...

too bad there weren't any girls around...

but then again, we wouldn't have been able to have the same kinda fun we did cuz we were all guys... well...everything has a bright side...

Red Enough?

Red Enough?
Originally uploaded by _maxi_.

Trying to take a picture of my post-swimming bloodshot eyes. Apparently they aren't red enough to look cool.

hmmm...what was i thinking? looked weedburned...hehehe...

Morning View

Morning View
Originally uploaded by _maxi_.

Morning View
This is a rough representation of what i see in the morning when i first wake up.

Monday, February 21, 2005

New Pickup

New Pickup
Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
or is it? hmmm... i wouldn't know...

Pogi Boy

Pogi Boy
Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
who do you think he takes after? hehehe...

Wednesday, February 16, 2005


Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
champanalo toh!!! me with my thesis mates...Mica and Rosco. Starbucks,Tagaytay attending the ENEDA conference. met new people...mmm...rosco ha...easy lang bro.

steady lang mga dudes!!!

Monday, February 07, 2005


i'm currently doing research on BMW for my marketing class...

now that i've spent hours and hours looking at pictures of these crazy cars i wouldn't mind having one of these:
or even one of these:
heck i might even settle for one of the "low end" 3 series cars...
it's just plain crazy dude...

the cheapest car for sale (brand new mind you) these days go for around $30,000... while it may not sound like much for filipinos...let's do a little math...

30,000 x 54.50 (forex) = P1,635,000

woah...that just completely destroys my world view... hahaha...

thats a lot of minus taxes...

hmmm... maybe i should just hawk drugs or something. hahaha... just kidding...

funny how some people make money the purpose of their lives though... these things don't last... will you go to heaven just because you own a bmw? i don't think so. we need Jesus more than we need these things.

question is... do you really believe it?

A.1. Steak Sauce

A.1. Steak Sauce
Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
this is what's written on the side of a bottle of A.1. steak sauce... kulit noh... hahahah

Monday, January 31, 2005

Pucker UP!!!

Pucker UP!!!
Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
yeap... lagay mo diyan pre...

hahaha!!! one of these days in the distant future, this little boy will look back at this and say...

"WTF?!? who put that there?!?"

Monday, January 24, 2005

living dangerously


why is it that all young men want to be dangerous? why do most young men these days feel the need to go to the gym, learn martial arts, get into fights, etc?

my question has been answered by this book i've been reading. i borrowed "Wild at Heart" from Gino R. it awakened something in me that i had not realized that God had put into me. the need to be dangerous. men have an inherent need to be "wild at heart"

these days men are too nice... everyone has forgotten what it means to be a man. something dies inside of a man when he has forgotten what it is God has designed him to do.

sometimes i feel like men today have a severe lack of passion. and if they do have passion, the object of passion has the tendency to lean towards things that lead us away or distracts us from what God wants us to do.

case in point:

i think i have an idea why its difficult for us to invite people to come to church. to anything related to being in close contact with the Lord.

it's fear of rejection. yes of course everyone hates rejection. but this is on a different level. when you invite someone to church you are actually inviting them to share an experience. not just go to a building to be with, and hang out with people you don't even know.

it's not just any experience. its the chance of a lifetime. for your close friends. for your relatives. for your enemies. these are the people we know. these are the people we care about (or hate). knowing how wonderful it is to live in the light, we naturally yearn to share this joy with those we love. (of course we also need to learn to want to share this joy with those we want nothing to do with)

when people turn me down after inviting them to church. to bible study. to jzone. it hurts. it hurts because they don't see the need to be close to God. it hurts because they brush it off as something that is as pertinent as flossing your teeth. (excuse the pun) we all need it...yet we dismiss it just as easily as we turn off the lights before we sleep.

why do we feel the need to share this joy with those that will 90 times out of 100 turn us down and say, "we'll see" or "i'm not sure" or the dreaded "maybe"?

is it because we are stupid?

is it because we lack a sense of realistic thinking?

is it because we all need to, as a poor misguided fool once said, "pull the bible out of our asses"?

when are we going to "learn"?

will we "learn" when those 10 people out of 100 stop going? will we "learn" when people starting persecuting us for what we believe?



it is my prayer that i will never "learn".


but dangerous to whom...?

dangerous to the god of this world...Satan...

but how are we to be dangerous to him? we are just mere humans...of flesh and blood. we have no power in ourselves.

when we have no power who do we turn to?

we turn to our conqueror, the king of kings and lord of lords!!!

but wait...when you think of "Jesus", do you think of a nice man, who wouldn't hurt a fly? a man who just let himself be killed because he was too meek to defend himself?

let's take a quote from the bible:

3Judas then, having received the Roman cohort and officers from the chief priests and the Pharisees, came there with lanterns and torches and weapons.
4So Jesus, knowing all the things that were coming upon Him, went forth and said to them, "Whom do you seek?"
5They answered Him, "Jesus the Nazarene." He said to them, "I am He." And Judas also, who was betraying Him, was standing with them.
6So when He said to them, "I am He," they drew back and fell to the ground.
-John 18:3-6

let's read that again:
6So when He said to them, "I am He," they drew back and fell to the ground.
-John 18:6

to put it simply, Jesus was a dangerous man. everywhere he went, there were people that simply didn't like what he had to say. in fact, people hated him so much they plotted to kill him. not just once...many many many times... and they only succeeded because it was God's plan for Jesus to die. not just to die, but to die for our sins, so we may all have eternal life.

some people just prefer to end the story there. it's easier that way. everyone can understand a hero that dies. everyone can identify with the pain and defeat at the hands of death.

Praise God! because OUR hero didn't just DIE...he rose again. Jesus IS alive. in fact, he is so alive, you can have a relationship with Him. it is my firm belief that no life is ever complete without a relationship with Christ Jesus.

in light of all this, i pray that i will continue to invite people to come to know Christ better. i pray that i will continue to share my faith with others. that i have the opportunity to do so in my everyday life. the way i live. the way i walk. the way i talk. the way i eat. the way i speak. everything is done for the Lord and His glory.

i pray that you do the same my brothers.

intelligence personified

intelligence personified
Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
yeah! pretty spiffy huh?

heads up

heads up
Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
i can't remember what effect we were going for here...but it seems pretty lame now that i look at it...

smiley pose

smiley pose
Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
wow! tagal na ng pic na toh ah... me and my IS friends at Tere's house.

more proof of gayness

Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
hahaha!!! so stupid... this is at kerry's house when we were there for dags' surprise party. am trying so desperately hard to look muscular. mark james and i had nothing better to do so we took pictures of ourselves posing with different branded products. nyarp!

Thursday, January 20, 2005


Here Make Key
Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
this is one of the more interesting signs i saw when i was home... hmmm... doesn't take a genius to figure out what the shop does now does it?

Friday, January 14, 2005


pineapple 3
Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
this is a picture of me and my friends trying to steal the giant pineapple in front of camp phillips... we ALMOST got away with it...only it wouldn't fit into the we decided to just leave it there instead. bah...

climbing the giant pineapple

pineapple 2
Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
yup...this is the giant pineapple near camp phillips. pretty cool huh. ther's nothing like THAT in manila. hahaha...

pineapple gangstahs

pineapple 1
Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
ha!!! check it out... now THAT'S gangstah!!!

jon on the boat

jon on the boat
Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
my homeboy cute!!!

jon and lexy

jon and lexy
Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
this little boy is so handsome! sometimes i see myself in him. hahahaha... that's lexy in the picture... (tito junior p's daughter)

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

tere faith and max

tere faith and max
Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
yup... last picture... promise... for today anyway. basta ang cute namin!!!

i grew up with these girls

tere and faith
Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
yeah, the title explains it all. am i blessed or what? having cute friends has a downside though... you have to watch out for them always. hahaha... plenty fans... :D

we so cute!!!

max and faith
Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
look! how can you not make _gigil_ when you see us?!?! awww... so handsome and pretty!!! or is that pretty and handsome...? hehehe...


thinking... hmmm... what should i do...

i just finished class. actually i didn't have my last class... gaaah!!! annoying! i only had 1 class today...

Black and White Memories

Black and White Memories

wow...old memories... i remember this picture from a while ago... maybe between 3 or 4 years back. before starting school again.

i'd just gotten back from Sweden. hehehe... ah yes...those were the days. nothing to do except go to the gym, hang out and chillax. haaaay... well everyone has to start growing up sooner or later.

Max & Bamse

ok ok...maybe not all of us then...

ah yes... the stupid things i do.

stupid things i've done today:
1. try to drink some red lemon tea with a straw... through my nose.
2. attempt the same idiotic feat...this time with video coverage.

ok maybe that's not many...

hmmm... yeah that's all for now i guess...


new favorite song: vhong navarro - totoy bibbo
new favorite food: quarter pounder with cheese from z2 (i can't believe i hadn't found this earlier!!!)
new favorite phrases:
1. glorytokris!!!
2. hmmmm...?
3. oh c'mon...
4. hatdug and eetlug


Friday, January 07, 2005


Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
yup...this is one of the EARLY gangsta poses. the original one was with the Pelaez boys...hahaha... on the way to malaybalay... hahahaha...wassup my homeboys? how you guys doing?

Thursday, January 06, 2005

beauty is a double edged sword

right... so i'm back in manila. back at school. back in the concrete jungle. back where "i belong".

Gangsta Pose again...

yeah see what i mean? gangsta...

well...for the moment anyway. so what is there to rave and rant about you say? hmmm... just take a look at the heading of this entry.


beauty... wow... beauty is amazing. especially when we talk about the amazing beauty of women. i love women. women women women. grabe... haaaaay... i think i need to get this out of my system before i start thinking about nothing else.

don't you just love women? they are so breathtakingly beautiful. everything about them is mysterious. as a man you may THINK you understand them, but poor misguided (however good natured your intentions and assumptions may be...) brother... you think you know? well you don't.

so let's just get into what we DO understand...

1. women are beautiful
2. women are nice to talk to
3. women are beautiful
4. women are nice to look at
5. women are beautiful

now that we have established how beautiful women are let us get into the deeper side of things. however for one to get into the deeper side, one would actually have to HAVE a deeper side. unfortunately for me...i have none.

unfortunately many of us are like me. we fail to appreciate women for things other than their beauty. i can only do so at such a limited level. i understand their need to be appreciated, their need to be uh...their need for...need for...uh... BASTA whatever it is that they need aside from what i can give them, i have a limited capacity to do so.

my may be wondering... "WHAT IS THIS IDIOT TALKING ABOUT?" i'm getting to the point... patience my friend... patience. if God didn't want us to be patient he wouldn't have made the Post office...or the government for that matter...heck, he wouldn't have made women... (just kidding)

so right back to the matter at hand. beauty. beauty is unimaginably awe inspiring. God made the mountains that reach up into the sky. he made the oceans so deep and full of life. he made the forests and jungles which are so wide and vast, we have not even begun to explore its beauty and richness. more pertinent to our discussion... he made women...


oh you think i'm already done? oh no... no no no no no... i've just begun...

so what can i possibly rant about now that i've professed my undying love for the opposite sex?

well...for starters... the beauty of women can be very deceiving...

wow... i'm a first hand victim to their beauty. where do men draw the line between ogling a woman and simply admiring her beauty? today is only my third day back in the concrete jungle and i'm already enjoying being back for the wrong reasons.

well...actually now that i think about it i don't know if they are the wrong reasons. women are beautiful. everything that is beautiful is made by God. beauty is for us to know how great God is...but how come sometimes i enjoy watching the beauty God made instead of appreciating God for how beautiful His creation is?

for the guys:
(sadly some women too...)

how many times have you watched a girl waiting several minutes just to get a glimpse of her face?

how many times have you did a double (even triple) take on a women because her skirt was a little too high or blouse (tanktop whatever) a little too low?

how many times have you seen a girl and wondered to yourself what color panties she was wearing, or if she was wearing a thong?

how many times have you prayed that you would stop doing these things?

it says in the bible... i can' t remember exactly what verse and chapter in the book of Job, but he says something to the effect of:

i made a covenant with my eyes that i would not look at a woman impurely

Jesus also taught that looking and thinking are just as bad as doing (again i'm paraphrasing as i don't have my bible with me right now):

if a man looks at a woman impurely he has already committed adultery with his eyes

all men... my brothers!!! how long will this last!!! as long as we live. we are inflicted with this disease...

until we realize that we are sick...we will never look for a cure.

do you admit you are a sick depraved being?

do you admit you need a savior?

there is only one answer...only one savior...

Christ Jesus...

we have hope in Christ Jesus...

if you want me to explain it to you. you know how and where to reach me my brothers.

Pink Hat

oh!!! wtf?!? &%^!@#$!!! how did that get there???

Monday, January 03, 2005


ok i don't know how this was taken. i have a funny feeling this is from under the table or something. hahaha... Posted by Hello

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Badass Hangtime

yup...i am ruthless... mwahahahahaha Posted by Hello