Friday, April 29, 2005


Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
nyaaaaaaaarp....what the heck...

philippine piracy at its finest

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
hmmm...this was taken...hmmm...

i can't remember...hahahaha...


Bugs Bunny Mutant
Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
tonyboy... the smart(ass) little boy from iligan. notice the drool bubble on his lower teeth...that takes talent dude!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

wow...EVEN MORE HANDSOME Posted by Hello

Handsome? Posted by Hello

By SPECIAL REQUEST... Posted by Hello

Saturday, April 09, 2005


3 Boys
Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
woohoo!!! finally back in CDO!!!

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Elmo's Head on a Chocolate Cake

Happy Birthday Jon
Originally uploaded by _maxi_. sounds kinda morbid... but i'm glad to see Elmo's decapitated head on this chocolate platter.


i called him on his birthday to greet this little sucker...and barely a minute into our "conversation" (if you can call his impression of Miguel's instructions a conversation) which involved him saying, "i love you", and singing "happy birthday" to himself he says to me...get this...

"bye bye"

i guess he was getting bored of hearing me say, "Jon say i love you kuya Maxi!"


The Salutatorian's Big Day

Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
starting today Miguel is free from that torture chamber called highschool. welcome to COLLEGE Gigoy, where you have to work for everything you get...hehehe...

love you!!!

Best Friends...

Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
My good friends Glenn aka Doc/Pastor Glenn, and Doy aka Djar (Daniel Julius Armando Rosendo) : they exemplify the saying "opposites attract". Best friends who are so completely different it borders on insanity. I wouldn't be suprised if Glenn is getting close though...imagine hanging out with Doy everyday...hehehe... loko lang doy! 5x2! *secrethandshake*

Monday, April 04, 2005


Caylabne Sky
Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
Woah...this was taken thursday evening during Holy Week. while i'm not exactly sure whether or not this is in Caylabne... i'm pretty darn sure it looks great.

too bad the only girls around in skimpy bathing suits were my cousins...

but then again...that actually is a good thing...i dread to think the thoughts i might have had if there were tons of almost dressed girls around... in the words of Augustine...LORD MAKE ME CHASTE!!! (but not yet...hahahaha...ok i will shut up now.)

Someone's not feeling so hot...

Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
Hahahahahahaahaha!!! this is RJ during our Holy Week adventure (if you can call 4 straight days of eating, sleeping and watersports an adventure...oh wait...)

apparently someone doesn't like being awake so early in the morning. probably the only time he was quiet...hehehe...

thankfully (?) he went back to his normal jovial self after breakfast.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Isochronous Flagellation

Horrible story
Originally uploaded by _maxi_.
isochronous - equal in duration or interval

flagellation - beating with a whip or strap or rope as a form of punishment

misfeasance - doing a proper act in a wrongful or injurious manner

"Max is a misfeasor, therefore we must proceed with his isochronic flagellation"

My goodness...